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We have all learned through the years that a well-balanced diet is healthy for our body and critical for optimal health and performance. Our hair is no different. A mixture of protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and iron are all required for healthy, strong hair. Good hair nutrition begins with getting enough protein, which is the building block of your hair.


Then you need complex carbohydrates to help assemble the proteins for hair growth.
Other important vitamins and minerals include B complex, which is associated with energy production and building good hair and skin issues, folic acid, B12, and zinc. Hair follicles can have low energy levels just like we do. Therefore, it is very important you eat a high protein meal at the start of each day. Consider some of the below food choices for breakfast and the other daily meals in order to give your hair the healthiest opportunity to grow and thrive.
If you do not have high cholesterol, try eating red meat twice per week. It has the protein your hair needs, but also is full of B vitamins, iron and zinc, which are all important for healthy hair. Eggs and egg whites are another great protein option, especially for vegetarians or those who cannot eat red meat due to dietary restrictions. Salmon is a fabulous protein choice and you will find that it is also full of B vitamins, including B12.
Brown, short-grain rice is an ideal form of complex carbohydrates needed to have a healthy, shiny hear. It is also a good source of B vitamins and some fiber. Whole grain choices complement your protein consumption by helping organize the proteins for the hair to utilize for optimal growth and health.


Be happy, be healthy!

Healthy Dieting Tips

When it comes to dieting, you will find all kinds of crazy and modern diets on the market today. In addition to the many diets, there also seems to be just as many diet aids! Makes your head spin, doesn’t it? The diet industry has evolved from boring shakes to include everything from candy bars and pudding to pills and patches. We decided to keep it simple with sure fire ways to help make your weight loss goals a little easier to achieve.

1. Drink Plenty of Water – This one seems to be at the top of every diet guru’s list! Water consumption is crucial during weight loss. There really isn’t enough that can be said about the importance of drinking water in an effort to reach your fitness goals. Water hydrates the body but is also an important way of tricking your body into believing it is full. Other drinks do not work nearly as well as water and many drinks, even fruit juices, contain empty calories that you can’t afford when dieting.
2. Set Goals – Having goals is one of the most important things you can do when working to loose weight. Try to make sure that your goals are aggressive but achievable. If you are frustrated early in the dieting process by unrealistic goals you are much more likely to give up so pick a goal that will keep you excited.
3. Eat More – Did you read that twice? Yes! Eat more healthy foods that are high in fiber. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Fill up on these foods that are good for you and you will not be inclined to binge on calorie-laden junk food.
4. Get moving – While this seems a little too simply stated for most, getting up and moving is one of the best ways to burn calories. The simple truth is that you are not going to lose weight unless you use more calories than you consume. The more activities you enjoy that burn calories, the more likely you are to shed those unwanted pounds and meet your weight loss goals.